I've been looking forward to blogging about this one because a lot of people didn't understand it. I got a small wave of emails from readers wondering what it meant, some of them trying to attach a political meaning.
The truth is that I was simply poking fun at the way bluetooth ear devices have become a fashion accessory. In big cities I've been in recently – NYC, LA, SF – you see an increasing number of hipsters wearing their ear devices all the time. I suspect some don't even have phones. If you haven't seen this yet, it will only be a matter of time before the white suburban kids in your area are following in the footsteps of the urban Hip Hopsters elsewhere.
For those of you seeking a deeper political meaning, try this: Just as the U.S. is listening illegally to our phone conversations, Brazil is monitoring its citizens' TV viewing habits, China is stifling free speech, and Russia is imprisoning inveterate nose-pickers.