Tuesday, 29 March 2005

New This Week: March 30, 2005

Based on the NCRL list for this week's comics shipping from Diamond, here are a few things to look for at the local comic shop tomorrow:

The Pick of the Week is the third paperback collection of Warren Ellis & John Cassaday's Planetary: Leaving the 20th Century. It includes issue #16, in which Cassaday impressively succeeded in representing a martial-arts movie combat scene in static, sequential form.

In other comics:

Aeon has the fourth issue of Matt Howarth's Bugtown.

Dark Horse has the final issue of BPRD: The Dead (#5), along with new issues of Concrete: Human Dilema (#4) and The Goon (#11).

DC has a little-noticed book called DC Countdown to Infinite Crisis, but given that there's been almost no press coverage on this I doubt that any retailers bothered to order any copies, so you might want to make sure to get to your LCS early to get a copy befor ethey sell out of the one or two shelf copies they ordered. They also have the first issue of Phil Jimenez's Otherworld, and new issues of Legion of Super-Heroes (#4) and Ocean (#5).

Del Rey has new volumes of Negima (vol. 5), Othello (vol. 3), and Wallflower (vol. 3).

Drawn & Quarterly has the second issue of Kevin Huizenga's Or Else.

Fantagraphics has a re-issue of Roegr Langridge's Zoot Suite.

IDW has the third issue of the very enjoyable Grimjack: Killer Instinct.

Marvel has the delayed Astonishing X-Men #9, a third Spider-Girl digest, and Waid & Wieringo's final issue of Fantastic Four (#524).

NBM has their first Nancy Drew OGN.

Origin Comics has the second issue of Temporary: The Real Me.

And finally, Dark Horse has the trade collection of the Star Wars - Episode III movie adaptation, just in case you'd rather experience the movie on a flat comics page rather than on a big screen with all of the special effects (which, let's face it, is really the main reason why people go to the Star Wars movies).

Be a Military Contractor!

Are you a comic creator? Have you always wanted to be a military contractor? Well now you can be both!

The U.S. Special Operations Command out of Fort Bragg is looking for a comic book series (to be published in Arabic) "based on the security forces, military and police, in the near future in the Middle East in cooperation with the Ministries of Interior of some of those countries."

The solicitation continues: "In order to achieve long-term peace and stability in the Middle East, the youth need to be reached. One effective means of influencing youth is through the use of comic books. A series of comic books provides the opportunity for youth to learn lessons, develop role models and improve their education."

If you don't know Arabic, the military will happily provide a translator for you.

See Solicitation Number H92239-05-T-0026 for all of the details.

(this was brought to my attention by a posting on the Comix Scholars list)