The Pick of the Week is Fantagraphics' The Complete Peanuts, vol. 5: 1959-1960. Lucy's first Psychiatric Booth! The first Great Pumpkin! The first appearance of Sally! It's all here.
Peanuts may not be in all stores this week; so if it's not in yours, you may want to give a look at Brian Fies's Mom's Cancer; I haven't read it yet, but I've only heard good things.
In other comics:
Alias have the third issue of Lullaby.
Amaze Ink/Slave Labor have the final issue of Paris (#4) and the first issue of Tron. Yes, Tron. I loved that movie when I was 12. You know you want it, fanboy.
Archie have a new issue of Sabrina (#75).
Boom! Studios join the new-dialogue-in-old-comics bandwagon with the What Were They Thinking?! Some People Never Learn one-shot.
Dark Horse bring the funny with Star Wars Tag & Bink Episode 1 Revenge of the Clone Menace; they also have a new Usagi Yojimbo (#93).
DC have a new 100 Bullets collection (vol. 9: Strychnine Lives); the final issue of Seven Soldiers: Frankenstein (#4); the Villains United Infinite Crisis Special; the debut of Checkmate; and new issues of American Way (#3), Batman (#652), Blue Beetle (#2), Catwoman (#54), Hawkgirl (#51), Lucifer (#73), and Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes (#17).
Image have new issues of Gødland (#10), and Invincible (#31).
Marvel have new issues of Astonishing X-Men (#14), Runaways (#15), and X-Factor (#6).
Oni have the penultimate issue of Polly and the Pirates (#5).
Superverse finally debut their hyped-up-the-wazoo Zoom Suit.
TokyoPop debut Chuck Austin's Boys of Summer; c'mon, admit it, you're dying to see it...
That oughta do it for this week; enjoy your new comics!