The Pick of the Week this week is a no-brainer: We3, by Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely, was one of my picks for the best comics of 2004. This week the collected edition comes out, and you should buy it as quick as quick can.
In other comics:
AD Vision has the second volume of the satirical manga Cromartie High School.
Dark Horse has the final issue of Concrete: Human Dilema (#6).
DC has a Who Is Donna Troy? trade, collecting several Teen Titans stories relating to the ex-Wonder Girl, including the wedding issue (Tales of the Teen Titans #50) and "Who is Wonder Girl?" (from The New Teen Titans #38) which is imho the best Robin/Nightwing/Dick Grayson story ever written. All stories by Marv Wolfman & George Perez at the height of their partnership. They also have new issues of Detective Comics (#807), Firestorm (#14), The Intimates (#8), JSA (#74), Seven Soldiers: Zatana (#2), Superman (#218), Superman/Batman (#20), Swamp Thing (#16), Villains United (#2), and Y, the Last Man (#34).
Del Ray has the fifth volume of Clamp's xXxHOLiC.
I Box has a new issue of Thieves & Kings (#46).
Illusive Arts has the third issue of Dorothy.
Image has new issues of Invincible (#23), Mora (#3), Noble Causes (#10), and The Walking Dead (#19).
King Hell has a new edition of Rick Veitch's The Maximortal collection.
Marvel debuts their big summer event comic, The Mouse of H, plus a new issue of Incredible Hulk (#82--didn't #81 come out just last week?) and a trade collection of Jeph Loeb & Tim Sale's Hulk: Gray.
Oni has a new collection of Chynna Clugston's Blue Monday: Painted Moon.
Puffin releases three of their kid-targeted manga-sized new adaptations of classic literature: Red Badge of Courage, Frankenstein, and Black Beauty. That last one, adapted by June Brigman, could be the sleeper hit of the year...
Random House has a softcover collection of Birth of a Nation by Reginald Hudlin, Aaron McGruder & Kyle Baker.
Viz has the eigth volume of Banana Fish and the eleventh volume of the reissued Maison Ikkoku.
There's a lot of good stuff this week, so there's no excuse for coming home without something to read!