It's styled on the matching-funds pledge drives that my local NPR station does (but without interrupting Car Talk six times in an hour...)
For the period between now and December 24, if 10 people join as CBLDF members at the $25 level (or higher) I will donate $250 to CBLDF.
(To donate, go to the CBLDF Website, click on the link across the top that says 'Membership', the scroll down to the join link.)
Just email me the confirmation email that you get from CBLDF when you make your donation. I'll post periodic updates until the goal has been met. (Please mention in your email if you'd prefer to remain anonymous.)
From the CBLDF site: "The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund was founded in 1986 as a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of First Amendment rights for members of the comics community."
Update - December 23 We've reached our goal of 10 contributors. Thanks to everyone who participated!