This is still one of my favorite film trailers of all time. Italian Spiderman, my hero.
Sunday, 27 September 2009
I Be Dazzled

(Want to make something bigger of this drawing, just click it)
Bizarro is brought to you today by the BeDaZzLeR!
As I was sitting in the penthouse suite of Bizarro International Headquarters writing cartoons one day (or, more accurately, trying to come up with a single f-ing idea) I was musing over the classic stranded-on-a-desert-island motif and wondering what would be the absolutely most useless thing that could wash up on such a beach. I hadn't thought of the BDzer in decades, didn't know if they even still made them, but I instantly loved the idea of covering the island with plastic jewels. Voila, a cartoon is born.
So that's the answer to the question that we cartoonists get fairly constantly, "where do you get your ideas?" The answer is "The BeDazzler."
Now that I've divulged the secret, everyone will be doing it.
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