This is the last day of May, which means the last day of the second annual YACB Free Comic Book Month.
Except, it isn't!
I'm having too much fun giving away free comics, so I'm going to keep doing it a while longer. How long? I'm not sure...
However, I will not be accepting any new entries; only people who have entered up to now will be elligible.
Also, I'm just about out of the Goon/Star Wars comics, so when those are gone I'll have to give out something else as a bonus book.
Wednesday, 31 May 2006
FCBM2 Day 31.5

Today's second selected entry comes from Shawn Kilburn. Shawn listed his five comics as:
1. Inivincible
2. Planetary
3. The Goon
4. From Hell
5. Seaguy
For Shawn I have A Trip to Rundberg, the graphic novel of zombie mayhem by Nate Southard & Shawn Richter.
As a bonus, I'm sending Shawn a Gemstone Halloween ashcan Donald Duck comic, featuring the story "Hobblin' Goblins" by Carl Barks.
Shawn's comics should be in the mail soon. Enjoy!
Current FCBM Statistics:
62 entries
111 free comics sent so far
?? days remaining
New This Week: June 1, 2006

The Pick of the Week is the collected Shades of Gray Comics & Stories from Century Comics. Shades of Gray was Jimmy "Amelia Rules" Gownley's first comic series. It's a slice-of-life comic about a bunch of young subrban teenagers. Some of the early issues were a bit rough, but it's impressive to see how Gownley grows as an artist and storyteller over the course of the series.
The runner-up Pick of the Week is Matt Fraction and Steve Sanders' Five Fists of Science graphic novel, which I've been waiting for for what seems like forever.
In other comics:
Adhouse have the third issue of Skyscrapers of the Midwest (I should really get around to reading the first two, as several people have told me how good it is...)
AK Entertainment debut their four series about Arab super-heroes: Aya, Jalila, Rakan, and Zein.
Alias have the trade collection of Lullaby: Wisdom Seeker.
Archaia have the third issue of Mouse Guard.
Boom! have a Hero Squared collection (the one-shot plus the mini) and the debut issue of the Hero Squared ongoing; plus the third issue of War of the Worlds: The Second Wave.
Dark Horse have the 10th and final volume of Samurai Executioner.
DC have the third Seven Soldiers collection; the debut of Crisis Aftermath: The Spectre; new issues of 52 (week 4), Action Comics (#839), JLA Classified (#21), and Lucifer (#74); the Sam Loeb tribute issue of Superman/Batman (#26); and the long-awaited Showcase Presents: The Haunted Tank!
D.E. have the 25¢ Battlestar Galactica #0.
Hyperion bring DeMatteis & Ploog's Abadazad back with two volumes, which I think are meant to be heavily illustrated prose, but I've not been quite able to figure them out based on solicitations and whatnot...
IDW collect the recent Jon Sable, Freelance: Bloodtrail mini by Mike Grell; and have the Angel Spotlight: Gunn one-shot.
Image debut Emissary, and have new issues of Age of Bronze (#23) & Gødland (#11).
Marvel have a new digest collection of Sentinel (vol. 3); and new issues of Runaways (#16) & Ultimate Spider-Man (#95).
Oni debut Sam Keith's My Inner Bimbo mini; and have new issues of Local (#5) and Queen & Country (#30).
Seven Seas have the high-concept OGN Aoi House (vol. 1).
Tokyopop have new volumes of Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad (vol. 4) and Bizenghast (vol. 2).
Viper conclude the second Middleman mini (#4).
That's a heck-uv-a-lot of comix--must be the end of the month!
FCBM2 Day 31

Today's selected entry comes from Brandon Davis-Shannon. Brandon listed his five comics as:
1. Berlin
2. Usagi Yojimbo
3. Finder
4. From Hell
5. Love & Rockets
For Brandon I have the first three issues of Temporary, the strange and odd workplace comic by Damon Hurd & Rick Smith.
And like most of the selected entries, Brandon will be receiving a special Dark Horse promo-priced comic, in this case The Goon 25¢ Edition by Eric Powell.
Brandon's comics should be in the mail soon. Enjoy!
Current FCBM Statistics:
62 entries
109 free comics sent so far
?? days remaining
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