Thursday, 2 April 2009

Fetus Fiesta

Bizarro is brought to you today by Click n' Pop.

This is one of the strangest and darkest comics I've ever published in Bizarro. The idea came from the strange and dark Malo, a virtual hermit who lives in Greenland somewhere and only communicates with people via emails and piano sonatas.

He sends me twisted ideas all the time, the vast majority of which are too dark and twisted to be allowed in the funny pages. But this one was very close to the line and I liked it a lot so I asked my editor his opinion, and he said "go for it." Or some more educated equivalent.

I wondered if I might get some negative mail, but so far nothing. I did get one note from an OB/GYN clinic that wanted to use it in some literature they pass out to their preggernauts about not smoking or drinking during their pregnancy. A fairly hip clinic, I'd say.

Le Chick Cam

Please enjoy this live cam from Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary responsibly.

As happens frequently this time of year we received a call from a school teacher looking for a home for 5 just-hatched chicks -- the living, breathing result of a classroom project. As cute as these fuzzballs are, they will grow into larger hens and roosters who have a lot of space and care requirements, and can live for over a decade.

If you're a parent or student who hears of an upcoming hatching project, please encourage that teacher to consider more humane alternatives to hatching.

In the meantime, they're ridiculously cute, so during daytime hours EST you can see them live:

Financial times are tough for us all and even worse for charities. But for only a few bucks a month you can help these homeys get by. Anyone who donates to their care automatically becomes my BFF. For reals. Awesome. Dude.

BTW: that's a child's teddy bear in the cage, not roadkill.