The Pick of the Week is the collected edition of the lighthearted adventure comic Cryptozoo Crew by Allan Gross & Jerry Carr from NBM. The trade paperback reprints the first two issues and also includes 3 new stories--which should place it at around 50% or so new material (if I'm doing the math correctly...) Plus: monkeys!
In other comics:
Alias debut two more 75 cent first issues: Gimoles & Imperial Dragons, and they have the trade collection of Lions, Tigers & Bears.
Kolchalka fans will probably be happy to see that Alternative Comics are releasing his Cute Manifesto.
Amaze Ink have a second collection of Evan Dorkin's Bill & Ted's Most Excellent Adventures.
Dark Hose have the second and final issue of Hellboy: The Island and a new Usagi Yojimbo collection: vol. 19: Fathers & Sons.
DC have a collection of Kinetic, the fifth and final Promethea hardcover, the start of Warren Ellis's six-issue JLA: Classified arc (#10), and new issues of Albion (#2), Astro City: The Dark Age (#2), City of Tomorrow (#4), Hellblazer (#210), Legion of Super-Heroes (#8), The Losers (#26), The OMAC Project (#4), and Otherworld (#5).
Del Rey have the second volumes of Genshiken and Nodame Cantiabile.
Disney have the Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas Manga GN.
IDW have the final issue of Grimjack: Killer Instinct.
Image have the debut of the Kirby-esque Gødland.
Marvel have the digest-sized collection of Spider-Man/Human Torch: I'm with Stupid; the thirteenth Ultimate Spider-Man collection: Hobgoblin; the debut of Peter David's Hulk: Destruction; and new issues of Black Panther (#6), Machine Teen (#3), The Pulse (#10), Runaways (#6), and Spellbinders (#5).
Oni have the first issue of Ted Naifeh's new quarterly (?) Courtney Crumrin Tales.
Seven Seas' Amazing Agent Luna vol. 2 actually came in my comics shipment last week, but Diamond has it listed for this week, so your store may be getting it tomorrow.
TokyoPop have a bazillion volume sof manga, including the fifth Rising Stars of Manga contest collection.
Viper Comics have the final issue of Oddly Normal (#4).
Viz have the second issue of Shojo Beat (which also arrived for me last week...)
And finally, Avatar are release seven comics with twenty-seven different covers. No, really. That's at least $285 dollars worth of comics if you were to buy them all, which is about the same as it would cost you to buy the entire run of Lone Wolf & Cub. Guess in which way your money would be better spent?