People often ask me if I draw cartoons based on my own experiences. The answer is a resounding, "YES!"
If I had a nickel for every time a woodland creature had warned me about another woodland creature, I'd have $953.72. (Three-fifths of one of the woodland creatures was missing, so I didn't take a full nickel.)
But seriously, folks, illegal drugs are no laughing matter. Many are potentially harmful to your physical and/or mental health, some are even as bad as prescription drugs. So do what the talking squirrel does when he is offered illicit substances of recreational repute: Squeak, bite, and run!
This has been a public service announcement from the United States Department of Career Guidance.
NOTE: Want to look as suave as the dude in this cartoon? Click here for the official Bizarro Icon Line of high-quality schwag!*
*A large percentage of all profits goes to debt collectors. Makes excellent gifts.