Strangers in Paradise #83
(Abstract, $2.95, p. 212)
The final story arc in Terry Moore's long-running soap opera begins. Worlds will Live! Worlds will die! And nothing will ever be the same! Okay, not really. You've either been in this for the long haul, or not.
Midnight Sun #1
(Slave Labor, $2.95, p. 224)
Ben Towle has the story of a 1928 airship expedition mysteriously lost at the North Pole. An newspaper reporter goes in search of them. What could possibly go wrong?

(Slave Labor, $2.95, p. 224)
Slackers get super-powered high-tech bear suits! (Stephen Colbert would not be happy...)
DragoPro #0
(Antarctic, $3.50, p. 228)
Rob Espinosa teams up with Joe Dunn for his latest fantasy comic. Pygmy orcs!

(Evil Twin, $2.95, p. 290)
You voted, and these are your choices: Aquinas! Keirkegaard! Wittgenstein! Just like American Idol, but with philosophers!

(IDW, $3.99, p. 307)
I'll keep plugging it until y'all start buying it. This is Wood's strongest work yet, and the art by Kristian Donaldson is darn snazzy besides.

(Oni, $3.50, p. 318)
Actually I'll probably wait for the trade on this, but B. Clay Moore & Jeremy Haun's story of a Hollywood star slash international super spy looks right up my ally.
Amelia Rules! Super Summer Special
(Renaissance, $4.95, p. 321)
A double-sized summer special with the return of Jimmy Gownly's critically acclaimed all-ages comic. Lots of guest creators too.
Okay, you got me; that was only eight comics. Sorry, but there doesn't seem to be much happening in indy floppies this month. Don't worry; I'll have plenty of stuff to spend your money on when I hit the collections & graphic novels...
(A couple days ago I highlighted mainstream comics.)