Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Alas, no Free Comic Book Day for Me

It looks like I won't be visiting any stores on Free Comic Book Day this year :(

Usually I visit one or more of the local stores, pick up a few free comics and purchase some stuff as well. ('Cause I think it's weaselly for someone like me to go to a store on FCBD just for the freebies.)

Like last year, FCBD is the same day as commencement here at U-M. Last year I ventured into town to visit Vault of Midnight; it was very crowded, traffic was slow, etc., what with students and their families roaming around for one last trip around tree town.

This year, not only is it the same day as graduation, but Obama will be in town. Which means even more people milling about. Plus Secret Service. So I think I'll pass.

Thankfully this year DCBS allowed its customers to pick up to five FCBD offerings. So I won't miss out on important things like the new issue of Love & Capes.

Also, May 1 will be the start of the Sixth Annual YACB Free Comic Book Month! Look for details later this week (probably Thursday) on how to enter to win Free Comics!