Two non-fiction graphic 'novellas' from my pal Jim Ottaviani: Levitation: The Physics Psychology Service of Deception with art by Janine Johnston; and Wire Mothers: Harry Harlow & the Science of Love with art by Dylan Meconis. You should buy and read both; you'll be both entertained and a little smarter when you're done.
Eric Powell's The Goon returns with issue #19.
Two of Boom!'s best series have new issues: Cover Girl #3 and Fall of Cthulhu #4.
A couple of once-in-a-blue-moon comics hit the shelves this week: Licensable Bear #4 and Lenore #13.
The final issue of Jeff Smith's delightful Shazam!: The Monster Society of Evil comes in from DC.
Random House releases the fourth installment of the super-popular Flight anthology.
If you've got some serious coin weighing down your pocket, you may want to take a gander at Mike Allred's Madman Gargantua hardcover, presenting every Madman story to date (prior to the recent Image series, that is).
And for maximum destructive fun, Marvel has the second issue of World War Hulk.
I know, I know, I said 'in brief'. There's even a heck of a lot more waiting for you tomorrow at your FLCS!