The Picks of the Week are All-Star Batman and Robin, the Boy Wonder #5 and Ultimates 2 #13, comics long awaited by fanboys everywhere! Regular readers may recall that I recently ran a contest asking you to choose which of these long-delayed super-hero floppies would come out first; now they're both out on the same day! (Not sure what I'll do about prizes--probably give out 2, but I'm waiting to confirm that these comics actually hit shelves tomorrow...)
In other comics:
Antarctic have a new issue of Ninja High School (#149).
Archaia have a hardcover collection of the first Mouse Guard mini.
Boom! have the debut of Left on Mission, and new issues of Fall of Cthulhu (#2) and Hero Squared Ongoing (#6).
Dark Horse have new issues of BPRD: Garden of Souls (#3) and Conan (#40).
DC have Showcase Presents: The Flash vol. 1 (with the fine Carmine Infantino speedster art!); the Minx debut of Plain Janes; the CMX debut of Apothecarius Argentum; and new issues of Action Comics (#849), Batman (#665), Catwoman (#67), Countdown (#50), Ex Machina (#28), Fables (#61), Justice League of America (#9), and LoSH 31C (#2).
IDW have the trade collection of Spike: Asylum.
Marvel have a traed collection of Blade: Undead Again (Guggenheim & Chaykin make Blade a character worth reading); a hardcover for X-Factor: Many Lives of Madrox; a third oversized hardcover for Runaways; X-Men First Class Special by Jeff Parker and a group of talented guest artists; and new issues of Marvel Adventures The Avengers (#13), Ultimate Spider-Man (#109), Ultimate X-Men (#82), and X-Factor (#19).
Oni have a new issue of Local (#9).
Get your geek on this week and buy some comics!