Bizarro is brought to you today by Adult Speakers.Gosh, it's good to be back at
blogging. I've been busy as a very busy person this past week, out of town, suffering from
inoperable hair loss, you name it. But now I'm back and blogging like a
mofo, as the kids say.
Clifford, the retro caveman is a suggestion from my good friend, Cliff, so I named the character after him. He doesn't look anything like this, he looks more
like this.
This cartoon with the doggy at the shrink was popular among
shrinks. Several wrote to me about it which led to long email exchanges about my early childhood and
feelings of inadequacy. 
The long-armed doctor cartoon is one of those jokes that I wrote just to have a chance to draw a funny picture of a guy with very long arms. Every now and then that happens. Over the many years of my career, since the late 1900s, I've drawn an exaggerated version of just about
every body part you can imagine. Except the
naughty ones that god did not mean for us to acknowledge in public, of course. If we were not meant to be ashamed of parts of our bodies we wouldn't have been born into this word wearing underwear, I always say.

My last cartoon today is about a super hero calling himself
"The Nerd." After this was published I thought I should have had a funnier line as a response. Something like, "I fill the inboxes of criminals with lame jokes." I'll likely change it to something like that for the
book of super hero cartoons I have coming out in the spring.
Must get back to deadlines now, dear reader, for I am off to Columbus on Friday for
Ohio State University's Festival of Cartoon Art at which I am a