The Pick of the Week is Jill Thompson's The Dead Boy Detectives Digest from Vertigo/DC. Aside from her wonderful Scary Godmother, this is the book that Thompson was born to create.
In other comics:
Alias have the debut issue of the Biblical David: Shepherd's Song.
Dark Horse have the Freaks of the Heartland collection.
DC have new issues of DC Special: The Return of Donna Troy (#2), Firestorm (#15), Gotham Central (#33), The Intimates (#9), Swamp Thing (#17), and Y, the Last man (#35); and at last the long-delayed final issue of Warren Ellis & Chris Sprouse's Ocean (#6).
Image have the second issue of Strange Girl and the debut issue of Todd Nauck's new Wildguard mini: Fool's Gold.
Lightspeed have the latest issue of Carla Speed McNeil's excellent Finder (#37).
Marvel have the debut of David Lapham's Daredevil vs. Punisher mini, plus new issues of Mouse of Him (#3), Incredible Hulk (#83), and Ultimate Spider-Man (#79).
Viz have oodles of new GNs, including the inaugural volumes of their Shojo Beat-branded line: Full Moon, Ouran High School Host Club, and Tokyo Boys & Girls. They also have the third volume of Doubt, which is also shojo, though not part of the Shojo Beat line. This might get a bit confusing...
A relatively light week, although there's still plenty of good stuff to choose from. If you can't find anything to your liking, then you're just not trying hard enough. And if you find yourself with a few dollars left over, so yourself a favor and pick up the first issue of The Surrogates.