Based on the NCRL, here are some comics you may want to look at picking up at your friendly local comic shop tomorrow:
The Pick of the Week is Marvel's Agents of Atlas hardcover collecting the mini-series by Jeff Parker & Leonard Kirk. It's a modern adventure about retro characters, not at all depressing or horribly revisionist and a lot of fun. The hardcover has lots of bonus features too, including reprints of the first appearances of the various characters.
In other comics:
AdHouse premiere Fred Chao's Johnny Hiro.
Amaze Ink/Slave Labor kick off a new story in Serena Valentino's Nightmares and Fairy Tales #19, with new artist Camilla d'Errico.
Archie have a new issue of Sabrina (#84).
Boom! debut Hunter's Moon and have new issues of Planetary Brigade Origins (#3) and Tag: Cursed (#3).
Dark Horse have a new volume of Path of the Assassin (vol. 6) and new issues of Rex Mundi (#5) and Usagi Yojimbo (#102).
DC have Cary & Bolton's new OGN God Save the Queen; a new collection of Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4); the start of Amazons Attack (#1); the final issue of Firestorm (#35); and new issues of 52 (week 51), Action Comics (#848), Astro City: The Dark Age (book 2 #3), Blue Beetle (#14), Catwoman (#66), Justice Society of America (#5), and Supergirl and the Legion (#29).
Dork Storm Press have a new issue of Dork Tower (#36).
Fantagraphics have Castle Waiting vol. 2 #6 and the latest ish of The Comics Journal (#282).
First Second have the GNs The Professor's Daughter and Tiny Tyrant.
Image have new issues of True Story Swear to God (#5) and The Walking Dead (#37).
Marvel have a big ol' Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus; a new Runaways digest (vol. 7); and new issues of Daredevil (#96), Powers (#24), Wisdom (#5), and X-Men: First Class (#8).
Plenty of comics for your enjoment this week!
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