Here are the comics we got in for our library collection last week:
Hartman, Rachael. Amy unbounded : Belondweg blossoming /Wynnewood, PA : Pug House Press, c2002.
Matsumoto, Reiji, 1938- Galaxy express 999 /San Francisco : Viz Communications, 1998- vols. 4-5
Nibot, Root. Banana Sunday /Portland, Or. : Oni Press, 2006.
Nizzi, Claudio. Tex : the lonesome rider /Celje, Slovenia : SAF Comics, 2005.
Tinder, Jeremy. Cry yourself to sleep /Marietta, Ga. : Top Shelf Productions, [2006], c2005.
Vance, James, 1953- Kings in disguise /New York : W.W. Norton, c2006.
World war 3 illustrated 1980-1988. /[United States?] : Fantagraphics Books, c1989.
Monday, 31 July 2006
Sunday, 30 July 2006
Super Covers Week: Monkey Covers
What do you get when you combine Super Covers Week with Monkey Covers Sundays? You get Super Monkey Covers! Because there's nothing better than a Superman cover with a monkey on it!

Superman and monkeys have been forever intertwined. It started early, when as Superbaby young Kal-El encountered Beppo, a Kryptonian monkey who stowed away on his rocketship.

Superbaby totally owned monkeys, defeating gorillas to become the mighty lord of the jungle.

But as he got older and became Superboy, he found his simean foes getting tougher too. He'd have to battle the giant Kingorilla...

And he totally got showed up by Chandu, a gorilla with x-ray peepers just as good as Kal's.

Even alien monkey creatures wouldn't leave the Boy of Steel alone!

And when you beat one super-ape, there's always another in line to take you on.

Somehow Clark managed to survive those youthful monkey encounters and grow up to become Superman. But that didn't mean the end to his monkey troubles. It just meant that the monkeys became even more deadly, like King Krypton, the Super-Gorilla!

Or the greatest super-foe ever: Titano, the Super-Ape! He's a giant ape with Kryptonite vision!

Remember kids: King Kong is only make-believe, but Titano is real!

That Jimmy Olsen--what a punk! He arranges a fight between Titano and Godzilla just to make a movie, and then doesn't even lift a finger to help his supposed pal.

Jimmy should take a clue from Lois Lane. See, this is why Lois wins pulitzers and Jimmy is forever stuck as a cub reporter.

Even Superman's friends find themselves vexed by monkeys from time-to-time. Supergirl faced off against the mind-controlling Gorilla Grodd.

In the future, the post-Crisis Superboy fought talking gorillas.

Even poor Bizarro wasn't immune. Bizarro-Titano has blue Kryptonite vision. Bizarro Titano?! I love comics!
Finally, what could be better than Superman fighting giant apes?

Superman becoming an Ape! And fighting a Giant Robot Ape! Pure genius!
That wraps things up for today. Super Covers Week was only meant to cover a week, but I ended up skipping a couple of days, so we'll be spilling over a bit into this next week as well.
(standard disclaimer about giant apes and super-powered gorillas not really being monkeys applies)

Superman and monkeys have been forever intertwined. It started early, when as Superbaby young Kal-El encountered Beppo, a Kryptonian monkey who stowed away on his rocketship.

Superbaby totally owned monkeys, defeating gorillas to become the mighty lord of the jungle.

But as he got older and became Superboy, he found his simean foes getting tougher too. He'd have to battle the giant Kingorilla...

And he totally got showed up by Chandu, a gorilla with x-ray peepers just as good as Kal's.

Even alien monkey creatures wouldn't leave the Boy of Steel alone!

And when you beat one super-ape, there's always another in line to take you on.

Somehow Clark managed to survive those youthful monkey encounters and grow up to become Superman. But that didn't mean the end to his monkey troubles. It just meant that the monkeys became even more deadly, like King Krypton, the Super-Gorilla!

Or the greatest super-foe ever: Titano, the Super-Ape! He's a giant ape with Kryptonite vision!

Remember kids: King Kong is only make-believe, but Titano is real!

That Jimmy Olsen--what a punk! He arranges a fight between Titano and Godzilla just to make a movie, and then doesn't even lift a finger to help his supposed pal.

Jimmy should take a clue from Lois Lane. See, this is why Lois wins pulitzers and Jimmy is forever stuck as a cub reporter.

Even Superman's friends find themselves vexed by monkeys from time-to-time. Supergirl faced off against the mind-controlling Gorilla Grodd.

In the future, the post-Crisis Superboy fought talking gorillas.

Even poor Bizarro wasn't immune. Bizarro-Titano has blue Kryptonite vision. Bizarro Titano?! I love comics!
Finally, what could be better than Superman fighting giant apes?

Superman becoming an Ape! And fighting a Giant Robot Ape! Pure genius!
That wraps things up for today. Super Covers Week was only meant to cover a week, but I ended up skipping a couple of days, so we'll be spilling over a bit into this next week as well.
(standard disclaimer about giant apes and super-powered gorillas not really being monkeys applies)
Saturday, 29 July 2006
Super Covers Week: The Future
Super Covers Week continues. It's a question that has interested the creators for decades: What does the future hold in store for the Man of Steel?

Will he get old but never die? That's how it appears on the cover of Action Comics #251.

Perhaps he gets old and has to move into a home with other fading heroes, like in Action Comics #386.

Or he gets older, just very slowly, as in John Byrne's Superman & Batman: Generations 3.

Or he just gets old and doesn't have the sense that Ma Kent gave him to come out of the cold, as in the darn cool cover to Superman #416 by Eduardo Barreto.

Or he goes the Rip Van Winkle route, like in Superman #107, and discovers that he's not so super anymore.

One doesn't have to go into the far future for a glimpse of Superman's life; how about the near future of... 2001? In Action Comics Annual #3, we find the Man of Steel becomes the President of Steel! (Ironically, in the regular comics, when 2001 rolled around it wasn't Superman but his arch enemy, Lex Luthor, who became President!)

Alternately, Clark could become a widower. But really, making out with that skank Maxima on your wife's grave? Tacky, Kal-El, really tacky.

See, now that's better. (But what kind of name is Lanie for a kid?)

But who says it has to be our Superman in the future? What if Superman came to Earth today--in 1976? Then he'd be the Superman of the future in 2001!

Even farther in the future, here's the Superman of 2965. He's 'so different' from our Man of Steel, what with the flying and the same powers and everything...

Now the Superman of 2999--there's a kid who understands tradition, as he recreates the cover to Action #1.

We end with the aptly named Superman: Man of Tomorrow #1000000, with Gene Ha giving us the Superman of today encountering his future self of the 853-rd century!
Thanks for journeying with us into the future. We'll be back tomorrow with more of Super Covers Week (and if you've been paying attention for the past couple of years, I bet you can guess what tomorrow's theme is...)

Will he get old but never die? That's how it appears on the cover of Action Comics #251.

Perhaps he gets old and has to move into a home with other fading heroes, like in Action Comics #386.

Or he gets older, just very slowly, as in John Byrne's Superman & Batman: Generations 3.

Or he just gets old and doesn't have the sense that Ma Kent gave him to come out of the cold, as in the darn cool cover to Superman #416 by Eduardo Barreto.

Or he goes the Rip Van Winkle route, like in Superman #107, and discovers that he's not so super anymore.

One doesn't have to go into the far future for a glimpse of Superman's life; how about the near future of... 2001? In Action Comics Annual #3, we find the Man of Steel becomes the President of Steel! (Ironically, in the regular comics, when 2001 rolled around it wasn't Superman but his arch enemy, Lex Luthor, who became President!)

Alternately, Clark could become a widower. But really, making out with that skank Maxima on your wife's grave? Tacky, Kal-El, really tacky.

See, now that's better. (But what kind of name is Lanie for a kid?)

But who says it has to be our Superman in the future? What if Superman came to Earth today--in 1976? Then he'd be the Superman of the future in 2001!

Even farther in the future, here's the Superman of 2965. He's 'so different' from our Man of Steel, what with the flying and the same powers and everything...

Now the Superman of 2999--there's a kid who understands tradition, as he recreates the cover to Action #1.

We end with the aptly named Superman: Man of Tomorrow #1000000, with Gene Ha giving us the Superman of today encountering his future self of the 853-rd century!
Thanks for journeying with us into the future. We'll be back tomorrow with more of Super Covers Week (and if you've been paying attention for the past couple of years, I bet you can guess what tomorrow's theme is...)
Thursday, 27 July 2006
YACB Bulletins
ITEM! Kevin Smith discusses his involvment in the early stages of the Superman Reborn movie on YouTube, complete with Spanish subtitles. (warning: language)
ITEM! Do you find the idea of a 'beaty shop quartet' a capella group consiting of four drag queens to be funny? If so, then you'll probably enjoy the music of The Kinsey Sicks. I caught them on CBC's Just for Laughs and was pleased to find a bunch of free songs and vids on their Website. (warning: occasional language)
ITEM! Sommer Browning is an aspiring librarian and an aspiring cartoonist. Check out her comics on her blog: Asthma Chronicles (warning: language, sex, drug use, etc.)
ITEM! Over at Lying Media Bastards, Jake Sexton has an article about his first trip to Comic Con. Jake is not a comic book person, but he is an observer of larger media culture. So he has some interesting comments such as:
ITEM! Do you find the idea of a 'beaty shop quartet' a capella group consiting of four drag queens to be funny? If so, then you'll probably enjoy the music of The Kinsey Sicks. I caught them on CBC's Just for Laughs and was pleased to find a bunch of free songs and vids on their Website. (warning: occasional language)
ITEM! Sommer Browning is an aspiring librarian and an aspiring cartoonist. Check out her comics on her blog: Asthma Chronicles (warning: language, sex, drug use, etc.)
ITEM! Over at Lying Media Bastards, Jake Sexton has an article about his first trip to Comic Con. Jake is not a comic book person, but he is an observer of larger media culture. So he has some interesting comments such as:
Most amazing to me was the number of indepdenents, comic book creators who aren’t affiliated with the top (and seemingly only) comic companies. I wonder if those guys sell enough to make ends meet. If so, it makes compelling evidence for micro-media: instead of a few companies producing media products for millions, we can have thousands of creators making media for an audience of thousands, or even hundreds.
Super Covers Week: He's Dead, Jimmy!
Continuing our week-long look at Superman covers, today's theme is It's Worse Than That--He's Dead, Jimmy!
As with getting married, the other thing that Superman can't stop doing is dying.

We all know that Superman famously 'died' at the hands of Doomsday in Superman #75.

It was probably the most protracted death story ever, with the funeral and its aftermath taking up two whole months of the four regular titles, including Adventures of Superman #498.

It was a huge seller for DC, so you can hardly blame them for going back to the well and reliving it again and again, as in Superman: Day of Doom #2 and Deadman: Dead Again #3.

Of course Superman has died a lot over the years. Most famously in Superman #149--which I highlighted back on Monday--an 'imaginary story' in which Lex Luthor pretends to reform in order to get close enough to Superman to kill him with a Kryptonite Death Ray.

It was not the first time someone tried that trick on Superman, although note that the random bad guy here is no Lex Luthor, having to use a Rube Goldberg-like contraption rather than a sleek Kryptonite Death Ray--ol' Luthor may not have had any fashion sense, but he knew the importance of using a keen-looking weapon!

Action Comics #365 just seems a bit morbid. Superman is in his 'space coffin,' but isn't even fully dead yet?

Then in the following issue, Supergirl is holding auditions for a new Superman. Doesn't she realize that she's supposed to be his replacement?

In Action Comics #399, Superman dies not once, not twice, but three times. Good thing thay've got that crypt lying around, huh?

Years later, in Action Comics #655, that crypt would come in handy again!

Paging Geraldo Rivera!

Superman dies, and the only one stepping up to avenge him is The Atom? No offense to Ray, but dude didn't even know that his own wife was a psychopathic killer. I think I'd rather have Batman on the case...

How badass is Lex Luthor? He can kill Superman using only his flaming initials!

Lex Luthor? Sure. Doomsday? Okay. But being taken out by some punk in a back alley? That's a lame way to go out!

One thing is always a constant though: whenever Superman dies, there is always a gigantic memorial statue erected to his memory.
That wraps up out look at Superman's deaths throughout the years. Come back tomorrow as Super Covers Week continues!
As with getting married, the other thing that Superman can't stop doing is dying.

We all know that Superman famously 'died' at the hands of Doomsday in Superman #75.

It was probably the most protracted death story ever, with the funeral and its aftermath taking up two whole months of the four regular titles, including Adventures of Superman #498.

It was a huge seller for DC, so you can hardly blame them for going back to the well and reliving it again and again, as in Superman: Day of Doom #2 and Deadman: Dead Again #3.

Of course Superman has died a lot over the years. Most famously in Superman #149--which I highlighted back on Monday--an 'imaginary story' in which Lex Luthor pretends to reform in order to get close enough to Superman to kill him with a Kryptonite Death Ray.

It was not the first time someone tried that trick on Superman, although note that the random bad guy here is no Lex Luthor, having to use a Rube Goldberg-like contraption rather than a sleek Kryptonite Death Ray--ol' Luthor may not have had any fashion sense, but he knew the importance of using a keen-looking weapon!

Action Comics #365 just seems a bit morbid. Superman is in his 'space coffin,' but isn't even fully dead yet?

Then in the following issue, Supergirl is holding auditions for a new Superman. Doesn't she realize that she's supposed to be his replacement?

In Action Comics #399, Superman dies not once, not twice, but three times. Good thing thay've got that crypt lying around, huh?

Years later, in Action Comics #655, that crypt would come in handy again!

Paging Geraldo Rivera!

Superman dies, and the only one stepping up to avenge him is The Atom? No offense to Ray, but dude didn't even know that his own wife was a psychopathic killer. I think I'd rather have Batman on the case...

How badass is Lex Luthor? He can kill Superman using only his flaming initials!

Lex Luthor? Sure. Doomsday? Okay. But being taken out by some punk in a back alley? That's a lame way to go out!

One thing is always a constant though: whenever Superman dies, there is always a gigantic memorial statue erected to his memory.
That wraps up out look at Superman's deaths throughout the years. Come back tomorrow as Super Covers Week continues!
Wednesday, 26 July 2006
Super Covers Week: Hitched!
Continuing our week-long look at Superman covers, today's theme is Hitched: Superman Takes a Bride!

Of course, all true Superman fans know that Clark & Lois finally tied in knot in 1996's Superman: The Wedding Album. But this wasn't the first time that the happy couple got married...

Back in 1978, Clark & Lois got married for the first time--the Earth-2 versions, that is--in Action Comics #484. Note the Daily Star building tucked into the corner (and the corresponding Daily Planet globe on the previous cover). A great cover by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez.

The Earth-2 wedding of course was also the theme to the recent Action Comics #836, the Infinite Crisis crossover.

But seemingly, Superman & Lois just couldn't stay away fromthe alter before then either. Here we see teh happy couple on the cover of Action Comics #206.

But Superman wasn't always a willing participant in his own nuptuals. Check out the all-wedding issue of Lois Lane #86, as Lois has to scheme to get her man to the altar.

Lois Lane #15 has to be my favorite wedding cover: Not a Dream! Not a Hoax! They are Not Robots!

The weddings didn't always go off without a hitch though. Like in Lois Lane #108, where Superman really should have worn his tuxedo...

Or Action Comics #567, where their wedding in the park is interrupted by, um, some random blonde woman.

Sometimes the wedding ends in tragedy, as in Lois Lane #128. Hmmm, maybe they shouldn't have invited Death to the ceremony?

And then there are the times when Superman marries someone besides Lois, like in Action Comics #143.

Or in Superman #120. Making Lois be a witness? That's just cruel!

And finally, sometimes Supes is so busy he doesn't even realize he's gotten married, as seen in The Adventures of Superman #574.
That wraps up our tour of Super Weddings! Come back tomorrow for more Super Covers!

Of course, all true Superman fans know that Clark & Lois finally tied in knot in 1996's Superman: The Wedding Album. But this wasn't the first time that the happy couple got married...

Back in 1978, Clark & Lois got married for the first time--the Earth-2 versions, that is--in Action Comics #484. Note the Daily Star building tucked into the corner (and the corresponding Daily Planet globe on the previous cover). A great cover by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez.

The Earth-2 wedding of course was also the theme to the recent Action Comics #836, the Infinite Crisis crossover.

But seemingly, Superman & Lois just couldn't stay away fromthe alter before then either. Here we see teh happy couple on the cover of Action Comics #206.

But Superman wasn't always a willing participant in his own nuptuals. Check out the all-wedding issue of Lois Lane #86, as Lois has to scheme to get her man to the altar.

Lois Lane #15 has to be my favorite wedding cover: Not a Dream! Not a Hoax! They are Not Robots!

The weddings didn't always go off without a hitch though. Like in Lois Lane #108, where Superman really should have worn his tuxedo...

Or Action Comics #567, where their wedding in the park is interrupted by, um, some random blonde woman.

Sometimes the wedding ends in tragedy, as in Lois Lane #128. Hmmm, maybe they shouldn't have invited Death to the ceremony?

And then there are the times when Superman marries someone besides Lois, like in Action Comics #143.

Or in Superman #120. Making Lois be a witness? That's just cruel!

And finally, sometimes Supes is so busy he doesn't even realize he's gotten married, as seen in The Adventures of Superman #574.
That wraps up our tour of Super Weddings! Come back tomorrow for more Super Covers!
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