The Pick of the Week is Bugtown #1 from Matt Howarth & Aeon Press. For nearly 25 years Howarth has been an original, bringing us the Post Brothers, Savage Henry & The Bulldaggers, and the rest of the wacked-out, mind-trippy adventures of the denizens of Bugtown. So give it a whirl.
DC has new issues of Gotham Central (#25), Fables (#31), JSA (#67) and Ocean (#2), and the debut issue of Leah Moore's Wild Girl. There's also the trade collection of Superman: Secret Identity and a new Human Target collection.
Marvel have Bendis's Avengers Finale, the debut of New Thunderbolts, plus the first trade collections of She-Hulk and The Pulse.
Indy books of note include Captain Canuck #2 from Comely; Colonia #11 from Jeff Nicholson; a new Finder (#35) from Carla Speed McNeil; and Cenozoic (#1) looks like it could be interesting.
Looks like a fairly light week, so if you have a little extra $$$ in your pocket, why not try one of the Courtney Crumrin collections?
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