There's a fourth Strangers in Paradise pocket collection from Terry Moore.
The third issue of Following Cerebus is solicited. The guys at Winn-Mill do an excelent job with critical reviews of pop culture, and their look at Cerebus started off strong. This issue features a fold-out cover with four parodies of classic comic covers by Sim.
ADV has a third volume of Apocalypse Meow, as well as a lot of non-intersting Anime. How is it that ADV gets to list their anime titles up in the comics section, while the other publishers get put in the very back? Probably has something to so with ad dollars, I suppose.
AiT/Planet Lar has a scriptbook for Demo, collecting all twelve of Brian Wood's scripts for the series.
ABCs of Superpowers is a childs' ABCs book using kiddie super-heroes, by Zoom's Academy creator Jason Lethcoe.
2005 is the tenth anniversary of Scott Roberts' charming Patty Cake; why not celebrate by getting the latest issue of Patty Cake & Friends?
Goth kids the world over will no doubt be thrilled with the fiirst Outlook Grim collection from Slave Labor, as well as the new printings of the first two issues of Jhonen Vasquez's Filler Bunny.
Antarctic also has a second Shoujo volume, with American creators doing shojo-type stories, and a pocket version of the fourth Gold Digger collection.
Have you always wanted to see the first six issues of Youngblood re-mastered, re-colored and re-scripted, with an all new ending? The Arcade Comics' Youngblood Maximum Collection vol. 1 is just the book for you!
Archie hits issue #554. That's longer running than any Marvel comic, and all but four comics from DC. Remember: kids don't read American comics.
Instead of collecting all four of Mike Mignola's Jenny Finn issues into one 112 page collection, Atomeka are collecting it in two separate 'prestige format' books. Why?
Avator has a Lady Death Swimsuit Special. Five different covers, one of which is a leather cover for only $25! Look, people, if you really want to look at pictures of impossibly proportioned women in swimsuits, let me tell you about this little invention they call the Internet...
On the other hand, Beckett returns with more issues of their sanely priced comics. And they're good comics, too.
New British publisher Boychild Productions has a manga anthology, Manga Mover, which promises to bring new 'mainstream' manga stories to an English speaking audience. Could be good.
Devil's Due has black and white digest collections of Misplaced and Patrick the Wolf Boy.
A new issue of Berlin is on its way from Jason Lutes and Drawn & Quarterly.
DreamWave has more Transformers comics than anyone could possibly care to read. Nothing like beating an already over nostalgia trend to death!
Have too much damn money? Dynamic Forces will help you part with it with their line-up of over-priced signed editions. Or hey, why not spend $500 dollars on a life-size Iron Man head bust?
After many years in the making, Charles Burns's Black Hole comes to an end with issue #12. If you haven't been reading one of the best modern horror comics, you could pick up the slipcased edition of all twelve issue for $50--or just wait for the inevitable collection.
Fantagraphics also has an English translation of David B.'s Epileptic.
Illusive Productions has Dorothy, a retelling of Oz using digital protography. Which I'm always a sucker for, but this looks overpriced at $5 for 32 pages.
Oni has two new OGNs: Follow Me Closely and F Stop. Both look promising.
Saddle Tramp Press's War is an original anthology of stories about (what else?) war, by a bunch of creators I've never heard of. Then again, I'd never heard of most of the creators of Flight either, and that was really good.
Jill Thompson & Sirius have a new collection of her charming Scary Godmother, collecting three of the one-shot specials.
Viper Comics has a Daisy Kutter collection. Since my LCS never got issue #2, I think I'll be ordering this from DCBS.
Viz's selection is just as sparse, with only a new Banana Fish volume being of interest. (Although there is also another volume in the reprinting of Maison Ikkoku, but I already have the originals.)
So that wraps up another month of coming comics. Hope you find something you like!
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