The pick of the week is We3 #3 by Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely, from DC/Vertigo. I thought that the first two issues were two of the best of 2004, so that should tell you how stoked I am about the final issue coming out. If you haven't been reading We3, don't wait for the trade--see if your LCS has the first two issues in stock and grab the complete story.
In other comics:
Abstract has the fourth Strangers in Paradise pocket edition. I have the first three volumes, even though I own all the original comics; they're a rather smart package, and very handy to keep on your bookshelf.
Antarctic has the Gold Digger Adventures Stand Alone Special, which I believe focuses on the Diggers sisters in their younger days. Gold Digger is one of my guilty pleasure comics...
Arcana has the third issue of 100 Girls.
Dark Horse has the third volume of Samurai Executioner and the sixth volume of Shadow Star (I've only read the first two--I need to catch up!)
Besides We#3, DC has more Morrison goodness with the final installment in his JLA Classified story (#3); as well as new issues of the revamped Legion of Super-Heroes (#2), Planetary (#22), The Losers (#20), Sleeper Season Two (#8), and Y: The Last Man (#30).
Del Rey has the fourth volumes in three of their launch series: Negima, Tsubasa, and Xxxholic.
Fantagraphics has a new printing of Dan Clowes' Like a Velvet Glove Cast In Iron.
Image has the third Noble Causes collection.
Marvel has the penultimate issue of the latest Black Widow mini (#5) and a new issue of Fantastic Four (#522).
Monkeysuit has the Rex Steele: Nazi Smasher graohic novel (which is sitting on my shelf, waiting to be read...)
NBM has the first issue of Cryptozoo Crew.
This will be, alas, my last regular trip to my LCS, as starting next month I'm switching over to DCBS for my regular comic buying. It'll be a somewhat sad day.
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