by Takeshi Konomi
Viz $7.95
Hikaru-no Go, vol. 2
by yumi Hotta & Takeshi Obata
Viz $7.95
In boys' manga, it seems that everything is a martial art, even tennis and Go!
Having already introduced the main characters and situations in their respoective first volumes, these second volumes of two popular Shonen Jump titles continue on their paths.
Both of these titles make use of what is a very standard plot: a youngster, talented beyind his years in a certain competitive endeavor, must constantly prove his worth to those who are older and dismissive of his perceived abilities.
The bulk of the second volume of The Prince of Tennis involves Ryoma's attempt to earn a place on his school's tennis team, even though he os only a first year student. He dispatches one opponent after the other, making use of advanced moves and skills that are supposedly beyond the ability of one so young. Konomi choreographs the tennis matches like martial arts battles.
Hikaru-no Go provides another narrative twist: halfway through this volume the focus splits into two, with one thread of the story following Akira, Hikaru's competitive nemesis. Like Ryoma in The Prince of Tennis, Akira is the son of a champion in his chosen pursuit. His story seems to be mirroring almost exactly that of Ryoma's, but in Hikaru-no Go it serves as a counter to Hikaru's story, wherein Hikaru is trying to help start a Go club at his school from the ground up.
The art in both titles is strong; there are few if any of the annoying manga shortcuts in evidence, and it is apprent that care has been taken to represent both the charcaters and their environments. Obata has the more difficult task, in that he has to make the playing of a board game visually exciting, and he pulls it off well.
The Prince of Tennis is not a bad manga by any stretch, but it suffers slightly from telling an overly familiar story (albiet in a new mileau). While the story in Hikaru-no Go is familiar as well, it mixes up those conventions and brings a potential for greater character growth.
Ratings: The Prince of Tennis, vol. 2: 2.5 (of 5); Hikaru-no-Go, vol. 2: 3.5 (of 5)
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