The pick of the week is the new Gotham Central collection, Half a Life, collecting what in my opinion is the best story arc from an already very good series, by Greg Rucka and Michael Lark. (BTW, Gotham Central #6, the first issue in this collection, is still up for grabs as part of our Free Comic Book Month.)
In other comics:
AAA Pop have the second issue of Michael Allred's The Golden Plates, adapting the Book of Mormon.
AiT/PlanetLAR have the second collection of Tom Beland's True Story, Swear to God: This One Goes to Eleven.
Beckett have The Ballad of Sleeping Beauty collection.
DC have the first issue of the new Green Lantern series; new issues of The Adventures of Superman (#640), City of Tomorrow (#2), Hellblazer (#208), JLA (#114), Legion of Super-Heroes (#6), The Losers (#24); the final issue of Sleeper season 2 (#12); the second issues of two Infinite Crisis tie-ins: The OMAC Project and Day of Vengeance; and the debut of their new logo on the first issue of the awkwardly-named DC Special: The Return of Donna Troy, with sure-to-be pretty art from Jose-Louis Garcia-Lopez & George Perez.
Fantagraphics have the latest issue of The Comics Journal.
Image have the second issue of The Expatriate and the first issue of Girls by The Luna Brothers.
Kandora have the second issue of Barbarossa and the first issue of Jade Fire.
Marvel have the debut of Machine Teen; the conclusion of Peter David's first new story arc in Incredible Hulk #81; the debut of JMS & Mike McKone on Fantastic Four (#527); and new issues of Captain America (#6), Power Pack (#3), Runaways (#4), Spellbinders (#3), and Ultimates 2 #6).
NBM have the debut of Zorro.
TokyoPop have a new printing of the first volume of Paradise Kiss (it's got very nifty art and a halfway-decent story to boot).
Viper have the third collected edition of Dead at 17: Revolution.
Wizard have the conclusion of New West (#2) with pretty Phil Noto art.
Should be plenty of things for reading over the long holiday weekend!
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