The Pick of the Week is Penny & Aggie #1 by T Campbell and Gisele Lagace--yes, it's an Alias book. I really liked Campbell & Lagace's now-defunct Cool Cat Studio, so I have high hopes for their new project, which appears to be told in the form of Sunday strips. (There's also an online comic, but this print version I think is all-new material.)
In other comics:
About comics have a new issue of Nat Gertler's Licensable Bear (#2).
Antarctic have the second issue of Oz: The Manga.
Ape Entertainment have Go Go Gorilla & Jungle Crew Summer Special--you can't go wrong with monkeys!
Checker have a trade collection of the old Topps X-Files comics.
DC debut the Moore/Moore/Repion reworking of old British super-heroes that no one else remembers in Albion #1. There's a trade collection of Matt Wagner's Superman/Batman/Wonder Woman: Trinity; an eigth collection of Lucifer; the Authority Lobo Spring Break Massacre one-shot; and new issues of City of Tomorrow (#3), Hellblazer (#209), JLA Classified (#9), The Losers (#25), The OMAC Project (#3), Planetary (#23), Seven Soldiers: Shining Knight (#3), Solo (#5), and Wonder Woman (#217).
Del Rey have the first volume of a new manga series, Perfect Day for Love Letters (sounds like Shojo!); and the latest volumes of Negima (vol. 6), Othello (vol. 4), and Wallflower (#4).
FC9 have the debut issues of Genie and Hell, Michigan. Yes, there really is a town named Hell here in MI. We also have a town named Paradise--sort of balances it all out.
Hyperion have the first volume of Disney's W.I.T.C.H. manga (although mine arrived last week...)
IDW debut Angel: The Curse and have the second volume of The Complete Jon Sable, Freelance.
Image have Jimmie Robinson's Avigon: Gods & Demons GN.
Kenzer & Co. have a new issue of Knights of the Dinner Table (#104).
Kyle Baker Publishing have the debut of Kyle Baker's Nat Turner biography.
Marvel have the debut issue of X-Men: Kitty Pride: Shadow & Flame (Paul Smith art!) and new issues of Machine Teen (#2) and Runaways (#5).
Viz have the seventh volume of the second edition of Fushigi Yugi.
Plenty of good stuff this week. Happy reading!
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