In the comic books, when a disaster hits Superman and the rest of the Justice League can move quickly into action to save lives and help to rebuild from the devastation. But in the real world we must rely on the heroic efforts of the Red Cross and other relief agencies.
For help with immediate disaster relief, The American Red Cross should be your agency of choice. As always, the Red Cross is on the scene providing relief and aid in this disaster, and they need your monetary donations. You can donate to the Red Cross online. (And hey, the Red Cross can always use your blood too!)

For longer-term relief efforts, my organization of choice is UMCOR, the not-for-profit international humanitarian aid organization of The United Methodist Church. UMCOR works in conjunction with relief agencies and local congregations to provide disaster relief, and is especially active in later phases of the process and long-term recovery as people work to reassemble their lives. Relief is provided by volunteers and the agency, and is done without proselytizing. Because administrative costs for UMCOR are paid out of other sources from within the church, 100% of your donation to UMCOR will go directly to disaster relief. You can donate to UMCOR online--they are a 501(c)(3) organization.
As good as many of the comics are that are coming out today, consider redirecting some of that money to disaster relief. Even a small donation can help--if every person who bought All-Star Batman and Robin gave just $5, that would be over a million dollars contributed to disaster relief. You may not be able to change the course of mighty rivers with your bare hands, but you can help people affected by the disaster by donating today.
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