The Pick of the Week is Paul Sizer's Moped Army OGN from Cafe Digital Comics. I really liked Sizer's previous comic, Little White Mouse, so there's no way I'm passing up a chance to read a new OGN from this talented creator.
In other comics:
Aardvark-Vanaheim & Win-Mill have the fifth issue of Following Cerebus.
Alias have a trade collection of the Lullaby: Wisdom Seeker mini, and the second issue of XIII.
Antarctic have the third issue of Oz: The Manga.
Dark Horse have the third and final issue of the Serenity prequel mini (the movie is just three weeks away!), and a collection of Grendel: Black, White & Red.
DC have their first two color digest collections: Sgt. Rock: Combat Tales and Secret of the Swamp Thing; the second Ex Machina collection: Tag; The debuts of Shazam/Superman: First Thunder and The Authority: The Magnificent Kevin; the final issues of City of Tomorrow (#6) and Seven Soldiers: The Guardian (#4); and new issues of Detective Comics (#811), Gotham Central (#35), The Intimates (#11), Swamp Thing (#19), Villains United (#5), and Y, the Last Man (#37).
DR Masters have a new volume of Iron Wok Jan (vol. 11).
IDW have the long-wished-for Mars collection.
Image have the debut of Warren Ellis and Ben Templesmith's Fell; the first Coyote collection; and new issues of Noble Causes (#13), Rex Mundi (#14), and The Stardust Kid (#2).
Kyle Baker Publishing have the first issue of Kyle Baker's The Bakers.
Marvel have the first issues of Supreme Power: Nighthawk and Garth Ennis's Ghost Rider; plus new issues of Incredible Hulk (#86), Marvel Team-Up (#12), The Punisher (#25), and Ultimate Spider-Man (#82).
Speakeasy debut The Adventures of Bioboy and Smoke and Mirrors.
Titan have a collection of the early issues of DC's first Star Trek series.
That just about does it. Not a huge list like last week, but if you buy a couple of those trades it's going to add up really quick.
Don't forget to save a little extra to donate to hurricane relief efforts!
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