The picks of the week are two of Matt Howarth's Keif Llama comics from Aeon: Keif Llama: Particle Dreams, a trade collection of past Keif Llama stories, and Keif Llama: Xenotech #1, the first issue of an all-new limited series. Get yourself some trippy Matt Howarth sci-fi comix, okay?
In other comics:
Abstact have a new Strangers in Paradise collection: Volume 17: Tattoo.
Alias have the first issue of a new Lullaby series, the third colorized issue of Opposite Forces, the delayed 75 cent first issue of Yenny, and the 75 cent #0 issue of Victoria's Secret Service, which is sure to be just as bad as you think, but still has a great pun for a title.
Amaze Ink/Slave Labor have the second librarian-action-filled issue of Rex Libris.
Antarctic have a new issue of Oz: The Manga (#5), and the fourth pocket manga collection of Rod Espinosa's Neotopia.
DC have the hardcover collection of Loeb & Sale's Catwoman: When in Rome; a softcover version of Dave Gibbons' The Originals; a softcover collection of ALan Moore & Zander Cannon's Smax; the debuts of Seven Soldiers: The Bulleteer and a new Jonah Hex series (along with a big thick b&w Showcase Presents: Jonah Hex collection); and new issues of Desolation Jones (#4), Detective Comics (#813), JSA (#79), and The Winter Men (#3).
El Capitan have a new issue of Stray Bullets (#40).
Fantagraphics have the latest Complete Peanuts: 1957-1958.
iBooks have a softcover of Joe Kubert's Yossel OGN.
Ice Kunion debut four manwha titles: 11th Cat, Angel Diary, Bring it On, and Chocolat.
Image have the fifth Invincible collection: Facts of Life.
Marvel have a big thick b&w Essential Marvel Two-in-One; a hardcover Young Avengers collection; new issues of Powers (#14), The Punisher (#27), Supreme Power: Nighthawk (#3), and Ultimate Spider-Man (#85); and finally conclude Mouse of Him (#8).
Speakeasy bring on the pretty with a new issue of Rocketo (#3).
Top Shelf have Conversation #2, featuring James Kochalka vs. Jeffrey Brown.
Viz have tonnes of stuff, including the debut of the improbably named BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBo.
And finally, ACC Studios debut the much-discussed Liberality for All. I almost nearly pre-ordered this just for kicks-and-giggles, but when I saw that they were pledging to donate portions of the proceeds to like-minded interests, that put the kibosh on it for me.
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