Dark Horse

Speaking of Star Wars, it's a chance for the better as the first issue of Star Wars: The Return of Tag & Bink--Special Edition come out. The first mini, Tag & Bink Are Dead, was highly enjoyable; if you ever called yourself a Star Wars fan, you'll want to check this out.
Paul Chadwick's Concrete: The Human Dilema--one of last year's best mini-series--gets a collected edition.
DC Comics

But more important, there's the third issue of All Star Superman. Vootie!
And there's Showcase Presents The Superman Family--nearly 600 pages of pre-silver age wackiness.
The final issues of the last three Seven Soldiers minis all hit the racks, as does a second Seven Soldiers trade collection.

The Johnny DC sectino has not one but two digest collections of the Justice League Unlimited comic.
Who the %$! asked for a crossover between Red Sonja & Claw the Unconquered?
Ah well, at least there's a new Ex Machina collection, helping to justify WildStorm's continued existance.
Over in Vertigo-land there's a new collection for 100 Bulelts, and collection of two Hellblazer minis: Papa Midnight and Lady Constantine.

A new Lions, Tigers and Bears mini debuts, free from its Alias shackles.
Truth, Justin, and the American Way debuts as well.
Something I never even remotely saw coming: Dave Sim is co-writing the new Gun Fu mini.
Was the world really crying out for a return of CyberForce?

I really don't want to be pulled in to this Annihilation thing, but darn it if Giffen didn't win me over with the Drax the Destroyer mini.
I'll be shamelessly pulled into the Untold Tales of the New Universe, at least the Justice, Star Brand and DP7 issues.
Bendis finally brings his bastard stepchild The Pulse to an end.
Thunderbolts returns to its original name and numbering with an old-fashioned #100 anniversary issue.
I love Ryan Sook and all, but it didn't take very long for fill-in artists to be called in on X-Factor, did it?
Alias gets a huge-ass 720-page oversized hardcover--for a whopping $70...
Does Thor: Blood Oath really warrant a hardcover collection?
Ooo cool--a new Runaways digest.
That wraps up part one. Part two--the middle--will be along at some point...
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