The Pick of the Week is Superior Showcase #1 from Adhouse Books, a new anthology series that features indy comix creators taking a stab at super-heroes (much like their well received anthology GN Project Superior, but less thick). This first issue features work by Nick Bertozzi, Mike Dawson and Dean Trippe.
In other comics:
Aeon have the conclusion of Matt Howarth's Keif Llama: Xenotech (#6).
Airship have the fourth volume of Girl Genius.
Dark Horse debut Toru Yamazaki's manga horror title Octopus Girl.
DC have a collection of Howard Chaykin's Challengers of the Unknown mini; the third collection of Ex Machina; and new issues of Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis (#41), Detective Comics (#818), Ex Machina (#19), Jonah Hex (#6), JSA (#84), Planetary (#25), Swamp Thing (#26), Winter Men (#4), and Y, the Last Man (#44). They also have the penultimate issue of Infinite Crisis (#6), which I'm sure will explain everything.
I Box have a new issue of Thieves & Kings (#48).
Image have the debut of the second volume of Lions, Tigers & Bears.
Marvel have the second digest of Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four, which you should really consider picking up because writer Jeff Parker is turning out some fun done-in-one stories for this all-ages title. There are also new issues of The Book of Lost Souls (#6), Marvel Team-Up (#19), and The Punisher (#32).
Oni debut Chynna Clugston and Ian Shaughnessy's Strangetown.
TokyoPop have the U.K. edition of Rising Stars of Manga.
And that's about it. Compared to last week, it's relatively sane!
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