My pick is Paul Auster's City of Glass, adapted (from Auster's novel) by Paul Karasik and David Mazzucchielli, and superbly drawn by Mazzucchielli. It's an old graphic novel, but it's been reprinted, and I don't think it gets anything like the attention it deserves. It's neo-noir, but I think the best term for it would be "postmodern mystery". It's a bizarre, gripping story, with mysteries that lead into mysteries. The art is superb, not only in execution but conceptually, with all sorts of interesting and marvelous choices. I just gave a copy to my non-comics-reading father, and he loved it, but obviously current comics readers would like it too. It's a simply wonderful book; check it out.
Hey, wouldn't you like a chance to win 100 Comics? Then send me your pick for an undiscovered gem no later than Tuesday; details here.
And while I'm at it, let me thank the following blogs for their linkage to this contest: Precocious Curmudgeon; Redhead Fangirl; Crocodile Caucus; Comics Worth Reading; TangognaT. (Were there more? The link referer in Blogger seems to be spotty...)
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