The Pick of the Week is the collected edition (plus new material!) of Rob Walton's Ragmop. It's a political/religious/science satire with conspiracy theories, talking dinosaurs, and Richard Feynman, all done in a style like Chuck Jones-era Warner Bros. cartoons. If that sounds interesting to you at all, you'll want to fork over the $30 for this large (464 pages!) collection.
In other comics:
Boom! have the final issue of Talent (#4) and the first issue of the reimagined Whisper.
Carroll & Graf have the Mammoth Book of Best New Manga.
Dark Horse have the Dark Horse Book of Monsters anthology, and a new Goon collection: vol. 5, Wicked Inclinations.
DC have the Batman/The Spirit crossover; a fourth Ex Machina collection; the first issue of Howard Chaykin's Guy Gardner mini; and new issues of 52 (week 30) and Batman (#659).
Drawn & Quarterly have a new volume of Chris Ware's Acme Novelty Library.
Fantagraphics have a new issue of Castle Waiting (#3), and a new Comics Journal too (#279).
Image have new issues of The Emissary (#6) and Negative Burn (#6), plus the sixth Noble Causes collection. (hmmm, 6-6-6...)
Marvel collect the Barracuda story from Punisher Max; and have new issues of Captain America (#24), Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (#14), Nextwave (#10), Powers (#21), Punisher (#41), and Ultimate Power (#2).
TokyoPop have the sixth volume of Beck.
Enjoy your new comics!
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