Based on the NCRL list for this week's comics shipping from Diamond, here are a few things to look for at the local comic shop tomorrow:
The Pick of the Week is Curses, the collection of Kevin Huizenga's work from Kramer’s Ergot and The Drawn & Quarterly Showcase. Huizenga is a huge fave here, and a hardcover collection will be extra nice. (PDF Preview)
In other comics:
Abstract have a new issue of Strangers in Paradise (#86).
Antarctic have a new issue of Gold Digger (#79), a new Metadocs one-shot, and a Tigers of Terra special.
Ape have a new issue of Athena Voltaire: Flight of the Falcon (#3).
Boom! have the fourth issue of the Hero Squared Ongoing.
Checker have a trade collection of early The Trouble with Girls.
DC debut the new Justice Society of America & Batman Confidential series; return to Manhunter (#26); give a Showcase Presents volume to Shazam!; and have new issues of 52 (week 31), All-New Atom (#6), American Splendor (#4), Desolation Jones (#8), Jonah Hex (#14), Justice League Unlimited (#28), Midnighter (#2), and Superman Confidential (#2).
IDW have the second issue of the Angel: Auld Lang Syne mini.
Illusive Arts debut Tony Loco.
Image have new issues of Invincible (#37), The Nightly News (#2), and The Walking Dead (#33).
Marvel debut Warren Ellis's take on the old New Universe with newuniversal; have this year's Marvel Holiday Special; a second Runaways hardcover; and have new issues of Agents of Atlas (#5), Doctor Strange: Oath (#3), The Irredeemable Ant-Man (#3), and Spider-Man and Power Pack (#2).
NBM have a new volume of Rick Geary's Treasury of Victorian Murder: Madeleine Smith.
Oni debut the Leading Man mini.
Seven Seas have the second volume of AOI House.
Viz have several manga, including some new Shojo Beat volumes like Aishiteruze Baby, Baby & Me, Beauty Pop, and Crimson Hero.
So try to save some money from Christmas shopping and buy some fine comics for yourself (or put Curses on your list to Santa!)
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