The Pick of the Week is Shazam: The Monster Society of Evil #1, Jeff Smith's first comic since concluding Bone. If anyone stands a chance of recapturing the old Captain Marvel aesthetic while bringing it to a 21st century audience, it's Smith.
In other comics:
Antarctic have the 2nd issue of Pirates vs. Ninjas.
Boom! have a new Cthulhu Tales anthology, plus Tag: Cursed #1.
Dark Horse have tons o' manga, including Eden: It's an Endless World vol. 6.
DC have a collection of American Way; a second DMZ collection; plus second volumes of Superman Chronicles and old Justice Society. There are also new issues of 52 (week 40), Action Comics Annual (#10), All New Atom (#8), Astro City: The Dark Age Book Two (#2), Jonah Hex (#16), and Midnighter (#4). Oh, and a new issue of Supergirl (#14), if anyone is interested...
IDW have the second issue of Desperadoes: Buffalo Dreams, the fourth issue of Angel: Auld Lang Syne, and the concluding issue of Spike: Asylum (#5).
Image finally have Fell #7.
Marvel have new issues of Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (#17), The Irredeemable Ant-Man (#5), newuniversal (#4), The Punisher (#44), and Spider-Man and Power Pack (#4).
Oni have the second issue of Maintenance.
Penny Farthing have a collection of the criminally overlooked Stuart Moore's Para. Do yourself a favor and take a look see.
TokyoPop & Viz both also have tons of manga coming out this week, including new volumes of Banana Fish (vol. 18) and Nana (vol. 5).
Plenty of comics for you this week. Enjoy!
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