The Picks of the Week are two collected editions from Image: Casanova by Matt Fraction & Gabriel Bá; and Fell by Warren Ellis & Ben Templesmith. Both give you a great bang for your buck, densely packed narratives with great art.
In other comics:
Antarctic celebrate Gold Digger month, with Gold Digger #85, Gold Digger Peebo Tales Summer Fun Special #1, and the 2007 Gold Digger Swimsuit Special.
Boom! have the second issue of Cover Girl and the third issue of Fall of Cthulhu.
DC reissue Michael Fleisher's 1976 The Encyclopedia of Comic Book Heroes Volume One: Batman; put out the fifth volume of Megatokyo; and have new issues of Birds of Prey (#106), Countdown (#49), Hellblazer (#232), The Spirit (#6), Supergirl and the Legion (#30), and Testament (#18).
IDW have the seventh Legend of Grimjack collection.
Image have new issues of Elephantmen (#9), Gødland (#18), Madman Atomic Comics (#2), and Unique (#3).
Marvel collect BKV & Marcos Martin's very good Doctor Strange: The Oath and the quite-wonderful-you-should-be-reading-it Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane vol. 3; debut Marvel Adventures Iron Man; and have new issues of Captain America (#26), Criminal (#6), Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (Annual #1), newuniversal (#6), She-Hulk 2 (#18), and Wisdom (#6).
Random House have a softcover edition of Joann Sfar's The Rabbi's Cat.
TokyoPop release a ton of manga, including a new volume of Beck (vol. 8).
That's plenty of comics to keep you busy reading over the holiday weekend!
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