My eldest daughter, Krapuzar, visited me in Brooklyn last week and brought with her the new man in her life, a gentleman who calls himself simply, "Sneetch."
They both assured me that he is not this guy, but I still don't know if I believe them. It was a lovely visit one that we will all remember for weeks. Along with being a damn fine human being, Krapuzar is also a righteous violinist and played onstage with me in the last tour of The Bizarro Baloney Show, back in 2005 or 6 or something.
In other news: I've been in Raleigh/Durham all weekend at an animal rights convention. I did some comedy on Friday night for the troops in attendance, then a book signing at a local store on Saturday. Much fun and success all around.
I also got to meet a young cartoonist with whom I have been emailing for three years. His name is Victor (or was it Vance? I don't know, something with a V).

He and his ma (Denise? Dorothy?) came to see my comedy show on Friday night, and on Saturday night I went to his family's home for dinner. Not knowing much about vegan food,

After dinner we played Pinochle and listened to Jack Benny on the wireless. Good, old-fashioned family fun was had by all. Later,

All went well until I lit a cigar in their living room, scaring the cat who then knocked over a lamp and started a fire. They took this opportunity to drive me back to my hotel. I asked them to drop me at a bar, but apparently they all close at 3am there so none were open.

Thanks again to Vernon and the Rodriquez family (Reynolds? Ruiz?) for a great evening. We're all BFFs now.
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