Today's offering is from last year's Halloween week. I thought of this cartoon in the spring of '07 and hung onto it for months until it was seasonal. I don't always do that, but in this case, I really liked the gag and wanted to use it around Halloween. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow was a favorite Halloween story of mine as a kid, little did I know that I would one day look not unlike Ichabod Crane.
I've also always really enjoyed pumpkin carving and got pretty good at it as an adult. Back in the early nineties, I won a national contest sponsored by TreeTop Apple Juice. The grand prize was an all-expense-paid trip for four to Disney World, which I took with my wife and two small kids. It was fun, except for the fact that the kids were there and became the typical buzzkills that overexcited/overtired children can be. The sacrifices parents make for their kids.
The next hear I won second prize, which was a small, digitial camera. Nowadays no one would consider a little pocket digital camera to be much of a prize, but back then they still carried some novelty value.

I never do cartoons that are knowingly anti-homosexual. GLBTs have enough trouble in our culture without my help. I poke fun at them occasionally, but only because I want to help normalize their place in our society, not because I want to disparage them.
I personally think that modern fear of and prejudice against homosexuality is as ill-informed as witch hunts of old. Who among us "chooses" our sexual proclivities? People are sexually attracted to every imaginable style, type, sound, smell, look, height, weight, costume, personality, and body part that you can name. These aren't things we choose. Some people are even attracted to people wearing stuffed animal costumes. Who "chooses" that consciously? As long as both partners are consenting adults, who am I to judge them?
Myself, I really go for chicks with small breasts.
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