Judging by the emails I got, this was a very popular cartoon. I'm sorry to say I didn't write it, it's another idea from my strange friend, Derek. Sometimes I change his ideas a bit to make a cartoon, but this one is pretty much just as he wrote it. My only contribution is the drawing. Many thanks to Derek for his continuing input.
Today is St. Patrick's Day. All over America there are drunks wearing various forms of green, from everyday items of clothing to vomit. I'm partly Irish on my mother's side, but haven't celebrated St. Pat's Day in many years. I used to love this holiday in elementary school, when we made great sport of inflicting painful pinches on the poor slobs who forgot to wear green that day. My mom, who is a notoriously good sport with more than her share of a wacky streak, would let my 9 sisters and I draw a green shamrock on our cheek with what we called in those days a "Flair pen." Seems tame by today's standards, but in the Catholic school I attended in the sixties, that was as outrageous as going to school in drag. Oh, the memories.
My first inkling that it was St. Patty's today came this afternoon while on one of my rare forays outside Bizarro International Headquarters in Brooklyn when I saw a man in a green Scottish getup carrying a bass drum with a big green shamrock on it. I'm not sure what kilts have to do with the Irish, but he seemed to be having fun.
CHNW and I are celebrating quietly at home in our traditional manner, painting potatoes green and hiding them in tailpipes around the 'hood.
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