Our third selected entry is from Sara Sandstedt. The five comics that Sara listed are:
1. Tintin
2. Girl Genius
3. Sluggy Freelance
4. The Rabbi's Cat
5. Bone
And her other thing of interest is the classic tv comedy Get Smart.
Sara obviously enjoys a good humor comic, so I have for her the most excellent and very funny Banana Sunday #1, by YACB faves Paul Tobin & Colleen Coover. (It's also got a monkey on the cover, thus fulfilling our Sunday Monkey Cover duties.)
For Sara's bonus comic, I'm sending her the Peanuts Halloween comic.
Sara's comics should be in the mail within a week. Enjoy!
There's still time to send in your entry for the YACB Free Comic Book Month; details are here.
Current FCBM Statistics:
8 entries
6 free comics sent so far
28 days remaining
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