The pick of the week is the paperback collection of the second volume of Phil & Kaja Foglio's Girl Genius. It's gaslamp fantasy fun for the entire family, and in full color.
Running a close second--and only because it's already been out in bookstores--is the second volume of The Complete Peanuts from Fantagraphics.
From DC there's Fallen Angel #17; the first issues of The Intimates and Grant Morrison's JLA Classified; a hardcover of Jill Thompson's Little Endless Storybook; the collected edition of Road to Perdition 2; the first issue of The Question; and the fourth Tom Strong hardcover.
Marvel has the end of Joss Whedon's first arc on Astonishing X-Men (#6); the Marvel Age collection of Mary Jane; the latest Ultimate Spider-Man collection (vol. 11: Carnage); and the final issue of Avengers (#503).
Dark Horse has the first issue of the next BPRD series, The Dead; Image has the return (finally!) of Rising Stars (#22) and the second issue of Hawaiian Dick: The Last Resort; Arcana has the second issue of 100 Girls; Antarctic has the fourth Gold Diggers Perfect Memory.
Indy books of note include a Savage Henry one-shot from Aeon; Mike Allred's adaptation of the Book of Mormon, Golden Plates, from AAA Pop; another issue of Mark Oakley's wonderful Thieves & Kings (#45)--if you're looking for a replacement in your life for Bone, this is a good way to go!
Collections/GNs include No Dead Time from Oni; and Mister X vol. 1 from I Books.
Manga-wise, Tokyopop has Planetes vol. 4 pt. 1, new printings of the 2nd and 4th volumes of Paradise Kiss, and the first volume of Boys Be; Viz has the first volumes of Dolls and W Juliet; AD Vision has the third installments of Aria and Apocalypse Meow; Dark Horse has the fourth volume of Ring; Del Rey has the third volume of Tsubasa.
Again, there's something for just about everyone. So if you can't find something you like, you're not looking hard enough!
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